
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!

Hello Chobots,

These real bunny's are SO cute!!
Maybe a contest will come...>.<
BUT You need to enter! >:D
The contest not here yet!!
See ya, and have a good Easter!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

New Address

Hey People,
Starysky here!
Since I'm using public computer, I can't use my signature.
The new address for this blog is:
and the TK is
It will be changing April 9 (Canada time)
Well today.....Be alert!
~Starysky The awesome figure skater!

Monday, April 4, 2011

New Blog!

Hey Guys! Leyla11 here (: And I just made a new blog a couple weeks ago! And i would appricate it if u would follow my blog! (: It's Tell ur friends :)


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bye I don't wanna here about it again!

Hi everybody,,

I quit chobots and blogging not for a while for ever!

So I'm gonna add all my authors as an admin I don 't  care who gets it I'm getting older and cho is getting B-O-R-I-N-G

Stands for B:  Boringest game on this universe!
Stands for O: Odd cause it doesn't have any point in it!
Stands for R: Retarted because people spent alot of money and the game has no point  on it when they could of got something cool!
Stands for I:  I hate CHOBOTS!
Stands for N: Neat if you don't play Chobots cause you suck when you do become STUPID!
Stands for G: Gone away from chobots!


Stands for C: Chobots is the worst game on the earth!
Stands for H: Help me I'm such an idiot for playing CHOBOTS!
Stands for O: same very odd
Stands for B: Booo this game stinks!
Stands for O:Other word of SMART
Stands for T: Tall or short
Stands for S: Suckish Stinky sour 

Thats whyu everone shall quit too!

~Your friend Angel(:
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